PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A summertime tradition is returning to Portage this week, but at a new location.
The first Friday at the Flats, hosted by Portage Parks and Recreation, takes place Friday, May 24 from 4:30-8:30 p.m. As clean-up continues at the Celery Flats Historical Area, Ramona Park will host the event. Ramona Park is located at 8600 South Sprinkle Road.
This week’s Friday at the Flats features local musicians Grace Theisen and Jack Dastoli. Food trucks from Teresa’s Kitchen, Top Shelf Catering, Ibison Concessions, and Specialty Cheesecake and Deserts will be there.
An Arts and Crafts Market will be featured more than 30 vendors, including artisanal and craft products from local artists, makers, and crafters presenting products ranging from jewelry, body and bath products, candles, wood crafted items, and handmade items.
There is no admission charge for Friday at the Flats.