KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Kalamazoo city commissioners have voted to approve plans to use COVID-19dollars to remodel the Arcadia Creek Festival Place, despite an hour and a half of public comments, mostly in opposition.
Opponents want the $1.65-million diverted to help the homeless.
Audio PlayerResident Iris Potter there are plenty of ways to do it.
Audio PlayerBut Assistant City Manager Rebekah Kik says their $1.65-milion could be leveraged to provide much more with state and local grants.
Audio PlayerCommissioners also heard from local tourism, business and festival officials who say the park is a critical asset that is currently a wreck, expensive to use and needs fixing.
Audio PlayerCommissioners Don Cooney and Stephanie Hoffman agreed with the opposition and say the homeless should be a higher priority.
Audio PlayerCommissioner Chris Preadel says he has to look at the big picture and the long game.
Audio PlayerThe final vote was 5 to 2 in favor.
Kik says there are other ways and other funding available to help the homeless, something she plans to discuss with commissioners in detail at their next meeting.