PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The City of Portage is set to host an interactive Community Visioning Workshop on Monday, March 20, at the Charles & Lynn Zhang Portage Community Senior Center at 203 East Centre Avenue.
The workshop will run from 6 to 8 p.m. and participants will work in groups to create their own maps of the Portage community, identify planning priorities, indicate priority areas for future development, and propose projects and improvements.
City officials say because community input is critical to the planning process, all residents, business owners/operators, and community stakeholders are welcome to take part.
The Michigan Planning Enabling Act 33 of 2008, requires a local government to assess its existing master plan every five years to determine if the plan requires
updating. The City of Portage Master Plan was last updated in 2014.
Officials go onto say the city’s new Master Plan will be a blueprint for the future, establishing the community’s vision for the next two decades, and that the vision and strategies included in the plan will ultimately direct future growth and development in Portage.
For more information, visit Forward.Together.portagemi.gov or call the Department of Community Development at 269-329-4477.