KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Douglass Community Association building will get an extensive re-do, with help from Habitat for Humanity.
Volunteers for both entities will conduct major work on improving the building’s main Community Room, Youth Room, and Admin Bathroom, with additional work assistance from “We Nailed It Construction” and Migala Carpet One Floor and Home.
Stacy Ledbetter, Interim Executive Director of the Association, stated in a release that “it’s wonderful to be working with Kalamazoo Valley Habitat
for Humanity on this project. Their expertise and collaboration have been invaluable in making this a success. We are excited to see the finished projects – and enjoy the revitalized spaces at the Douglass.”
Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for Humanity provides affordable homeownership opportunities to income-qualified future homeowners and affordable home repairs to existing homeowners. Habitat builds or rehabilitates four to five single-family homes annually and provides Critical Home Repairs to low-income households in all of Kalamazoo County and a portion of Allegan County.
Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for Humanity is celebrating 40 years of building this year and it is one of more than 1,300 U.S. and 550 international affiliates of Habitat for Humanity International that coordinate Habitat house-building projects in over 3,000 communities around the world.
For more information about Kalamazoo Valley Habitat’s affordable housing programs or how you can help, contact the Habitat office at (269) 344-2443, mailbox@habitatkalamazoo.org, or visit www.habitatkalamazoo.org.
The Douglass Community Association, named in honor of Frederick Douglass, was founded in 1919 to address the social, recreational, and cultural needs of African American soldiers stationed at Fort Custer and their families returning to segregated Kalamazoo from World War I.
In 1964, the DCA was recognized as a social service agency.
After working out of several locations in the Northside neighborhood, the Douglass moved to its current facility on W. Paterson in 1982.
Throughout its history, the Douglass has served individuals in the Northside neighborhood, as well as the greater Kalamazoo community as a center for social, recreational, and community development activities. Their mission is to create a culture of equity and inclusion that transforms the lives of Northside residents and beyond through effective, efficient, and quality opportunities.
For more information visit www.douglasscommunity.org.