KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Kalamazoo Historic Preservation Commission is accepting nominations for the 2023 Historic Preservation Awards of Merit.
The awards recognize individuals or institutions that have done an outstanding job of rehabilitating a historic structure or have actively promoted or contributed to historic preservation.
Community members can submit as many separate nominations as they wish in the following categories:
- Individuals or Institutions
- Residential Property Projects
- Commercial, Institutional, or Government Property Projects
- Mixed Use (Commercial and Residential or others) Property Projects
- Interior Rehabilitation
- Infill or New Construction
- Innovative Solutions in Preservation
- Archaeology
Awards will be presented at a ceremony during National Preservation Month in May.
Nomination packets and an online nomination form are available at www.kalamazoocity.org/hpcawards.
Completed nominations can be submitted online or to Luis Pena, the City of Kalamazoo’s Historic Preservation Coordinator by mail or in person to 245 North Rose, Ste 100, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 or by email to PenaL@kalamazoocity.org.
Deadline for nominations is Friday, March 31, at 5 p.m.
To be eligible for nomination, projects must be in the City of Kalamazoo and have been completed within the past five years, with the work substantially completed by March 14 of this year.