KALAMAZOO MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A Kalamazoo business owner is being investigated for using a racial slur against a man via voicemail.
WWMT TV 3 News is reporting that Ryan Racine, owner of Rushmore Auto Body LLC, allegedly used the ‘n’ word in a voicemail left by Racine for Terrell Lofton on August 8th.
According to a lawsuit filed by Lofton, the voicemail was left as part of a dispute over a bill.
Racine is being sued for ethnic intimidation and discrimination in a suit filed in Kalamazoo County Circuit Court at the end of last month, and had filed a defamation lawsuit in August against Lofton regarding Lofton’s posting about the incident on social media.
A pretrial hearing on Lofton’s suit will take place on November 14th.