BATTLE CREEK, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Battle Creek City Commission is getting ready to interview six candidates for the at-large opening on the commission.
The interviews will take place near the beginning of the regular meeting, Tuesday, July 5, starting at 7 p.m. in the third floor chambers of City Hall.
The six candidates who will be interviewing for the position are, Frank Drury, Kelli Grenfell, John Kenefick, Steve Stockwell, Lynn Ward Gray, and Cayley Winters.
Each candidate will have four minutes to present to the commission, then commissioners can ask them questions. Public comment will follow giving those interested in speaking to the candidates three minutes each on the mic.
After public comment, commissioners will vote, and select a date for the partial term to begin, as all commissioners are up for reelection this year.
Once the new commissioner is sworn in, the commission will vote among themselves for a new vice mayor. Vice Mayor Kaytee Faris resigned from the commission on June 7, due to her family moving out of the state.
Anyone unable to attend in person can watch the meeting live in AccessVision Channel 17 or the City of Battle Creek YouTube channel.
Those wishing to give official public comment must do so in person, or by emailing before the meeting.
The clerk’s office will share emailed comments with the commission. They will not read emailed comments aloud during the meeting.